What is Doji Pattern?
Doji candlesticks look like a cross, inverted cross or plus sign. Alone, doji are neutral patterns that are also featured in a number of important patterns . A doji candlestick forms when a security's open and close are virtually equal for the given time period and generally signals a reversa l pattern for technical analysts BREAKING DOWN 'Doji' There are two main forms of technical analysis: fundamental and technical. Fundamental analysts concentrate on measures that have to do with business performance such as sales and net income. Technical analysts, on the other hand, concentrate on patterns in the stock price. If the stock price is going up, it might be a sign that prices will continue to go higher and vice versa. Technical analysts believe that all known information about the stock is reflected in the price, which is to say price is efficient. Still, past price performance has nothing to do with future price performance, ...